5 de fevereiro de 2009

Number of alien worlds quantified ...in bbc news...

We are likely to be listening for a long time, even if there are many worldsIntelligent civilisations are out there and there could be thousands of them, according to an Edinburgh scientist. The discovery of more than 330 planets outside our solar system in recent years has helped refine the number of life forms that are likely to exist. The current research estimates that there are at least 361 intelligent civilisations in our Galaxy and possibly as many as 38,000. The work is reported in the International Journal of Astrobiology. Even with the higher of the two estimates, however, it is not very likely that contact could be established with alien worlds.

"If alien life forms do exist, we may not necessarily be able to make contact with them, and we have no idea what form they would take. "
Duncan ForganEdinburgh University

3 comentários:

helia disse...

Tenho muita pena que as hipóteses de contactar com outras civilizações da nossa galáxia,não sejam muito prováveis. Eu gostaria de conhecer os extra -terrestres,se é que existem...

Iscte 72-77 disse...

Ora para falar verdade, todos os cenários que nos "vendem" desde crianças. fizeram-me criar um grande receio pelos ditos, supostamente infundado...

Mare Liberum disse...

É provável que haja vida noutras galáxias mas contactos com elas não me parece possível por mais que me contem histórias de extra-terrestres e de ovnis. Tenho de ver para crer.


smileys smileys smileys

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